My office can help with:

  • Permanent Residency

    If you're navigating the permanent residency process, we're here to guide you through every step and make it as smooth as possible.

  • Canadian Citizenship

    Ready to become a Canadian citizen? Our office can help you understand the requirements and assist you with your application.

  • Canada Revenue Agency

    Dealing with the CRA can be complex, but we’re here to help you with your tax-related questions and issues.

  • Canada Dental Benefit

    Need assistance accessing the Canada Dental Benefit? We can help you understand your eligibility and the application process.

  • Veterans' Affairs

    Our veterans deserve the best care and support. If you have any concerns or need assistance with Veterans' Affairs, we're here to help.

  • Canada Child Benefit

    Ensuring your family receives the Canada Child Benefit is important to us. We can assist you with applications and any questions you might have.

  • Canada Pension Plan

    If you have questions about the Canada Pension Plan, our office is here to provide the answers and support you need.

  • Old Age Security

    Navigating Old Age Security can be challenging, but we're here to make sure you get the benefits you deserve.

  • Guaranteed Income Support

    For those eligible for Guaranteed Income Support, we’re here to help you access this essential benefit.

  • Employment Insurance

    Whether you're applying for Employment Insurance or have questions about your benefits, we’re here to assist you.

  • Federal Government Grant

    If you're seeking federal government grants, we can guide you through the application process and help you find the support you need.

  • Any Other Federal Matters

    For any other federal matters or concerns, our office is always ready to assist you and ensure you get the support you need.

Get in Touch

Your Kitchener-Conestoga constituency office is first and foremost here to help you connect with the Federal government. Please don’t hesitate to contact my team using this form or by emailing

My office is also able to assist by providing greetings for special occasions. If you or a loved one is approaching a milestone birthday or anniversary – please get in touch! We can also arrange for certain congratulatory messages from the Prime Minister, Governor General and His Majesty the King.