Tell the Senate to Pass Bill C-355!

Thousands of horses are bred every year in Canada to be exported live by plane to Japan, where they are slaughtered and eaten raw as a delicacy.

Flights can take about 28 hours, causing extreme stress, dehydration, and exhaustion, with horses packed tightly into crates, risking injury and death.

Other countries have banned this practice, and Canadians want Canada to do the same. Fill out the form below and  tell our Senators to end this unacceptable practice and pass this important legislation! 


Please fill out the form below and hit ‘submit’ to tell the Senate to pass this bill.

Dear Senator,

I am writing to urge you to support Bill C-355: the Prohibition of the Export of Horses by Air for Slaughter Act, which is currently being debated in the Senate. This bill will ban the export by air of live horses for slaughter, a practice that currently results in horses being packed in crates with 3-4 other horses for flights lasting up to 28 hours.

Flights with insufficient water, food, and rest are only one part of a stressful journey, resulting in a higher possibility of injury on a journey from their farm to holding pens overseas.

Bill C-355 is narrowly focused to address horses that are shipped by air for slaughter, to be consumed raw as a high-end delicacy. C-355 does not impact the horse race industry or the shipment of a horse for personal use, which have much higher standards than horses shipped for slaughter.

Bill C-355 is a stand-alone bill. As a stand-alone bill, it cannot be altered or amended outside the spirit of the intent of the bill, which is to ban the export of horses for slaughter. The way the bill is drafted effectively eliminates any possibility or concern of a “slippery slope” argument as a tool to negatively impact any other sector.

A petition of 36,000 signatories was tabled in the House of Commons, demonstrating a strong willingness of Canadians to follow other countries in banning this treatment of horses.

I implore you to support the quick passage of C-355 through the Senate.

Supporting this bill affirms Canada’s commitment to compassion, and to the well-being of our horse companions. Please help end the practice of live horse exports for slaughter by air. Our legacy will be one of empathy, progress, and justice—a legacy worthy of Canadians. Thank you.

Understanding the Facts About Bill C-355

Why did you introduce this bill?

Horses hold a special place in our hearts and our history, woven deeply into the fabric of Canada's cultural heritage. Here in Kitchener-Conestoga, our local Mennonite community's enduring reliance on horses for transportation and labour is a testament to this timeless bond.

I’m deeply moved by the profound connection between humans and horses, especially during the draft horse pull at our local New Hamburg Fall Fair, where the strength and grace of these majestic animals are showcased.

What is Bill C-355?

Bill C-355 explicitly prohibits exporting live horses from Canada by air if they are intended for slaughter.

The bill recognizes the special relationship between humans and horses and acknowledges the welfare concerns associated with long flights in cramped conditions for these animals.

Sadly, thousands of horses are bred each year to be exported live to Japan, where they are slaughtered and eaten raw as a delicacy. These flights, which can take about 28 hours, cause extreme stress, dehydration, and exhaustion, with horses packed tightly into crates, risking injury and death.

In Parliamentary committee testimony, we heard from veterinarians and animal welfare experts who clearly demonstrate that there is a scientific basis for the ban. These draft horses are not treated the same as companion horses—the conditions in which they travel is not even close.

Other countries have banned this practice, and Canadians want us to do the same. Our current laws don't adequately protect these horses; we need specific legislation to end this unacceptable practice.

What will this bill do? 

This bill, once it becomes law, will prohibit the export of live horses by air from Canada for the purpose of being slaughtered.

What won't this bill do? 

This is a stand-alone bill for a specific purpose and a narrow focus—to ban the export of live horses by air for slaughter.

This bill is written very specifically so it cannot be changed to widen its scope and include other sectors, avoiding any unintended consequences.

It will not affect horse breeders and will not affect transportation of recreation horses. This bill will not affect the transportation of horses for recreational or sporting purposes. Our equine athletes and companions will continue to travel by air.

Where is the bill now? 

In Spring 2024, Bill C-355 passed the House of Commons and is now under review in the Senate. 

When will this bill become law? 

In order to become law, this bill needs to pass through the Senate and receive Royal Assent. It is so important to contact senators and bring attention to this bill and bring about change.